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Evil CPS Child Abusers Accountability

Update: Our friend was arrested!

October 15, 2008

Via different channels, I have been given a copy of a statement that our friend would like shared with the world.  Seems he's been arrested over his video exposing the evildoings of CPS.   If you would like to support him somehow, send a message to this site owner and we'll see what can be done!

Hello. My name is Mark. My baby was kidnapped by CPS on July 16, 2008 with no claim of abuse or neglect. I have informed CPS, and proved on the record, that they do not have authority or jurisdiction over this baby to remove him from his parents. It is a blatant invasion, without cause, onto the sanctity of family. The CPS workers ignored me, and conspired with the "judge" to rig the game so it looks legitimate - i.e. - covering up their crimes. I have exposed their crimes. Now they have retaliated by getting me arrested. They have altered court records, falsified my name and address and residency status, and thereby have caused me to not be included in their kangaroo court process. I caught them in this deceit and exposed them and the judge on the record for fraud. On Oct 2, at 9:30pm, 4 armed police and a dog attacked me outside my home. Without announcing their purpose or intent they physically attacked me, threw me around the deck area, hit me, tossed me over a table and generally demonstrated their violent inclinations. It is 6 days later and my wrists are still bruised from the vindictive over-tightening of the handcuffs. AFTER all this, they informed me they had a warrant for the arrest of the false name that they assigned to me. The charges: "Intercepting Communications" - A MISDEMEANOR! And they executed it with this much violence? I later discovered...

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